Sunday, July 28, 2013


I'm pretty sure this is not the traditional way to make trahanas. Though they probably taste much the same. If you have patience, I would exhort you to try this. Take good Greek yoghurt. about a cup. Mix in bread flour and a few pinches of salt to make a stiff dough. Then go outside and roll out little nubbins, exactly as you would boogers, onto a dish towel. It takes a long time, but look how beautiful they are! Leave in the sun for at least a day or two. Boil up and just sprinkle on olive oil and salt. They have a light pleasant sourness, and are chewy. The traditional way is to make flat disks, dried in the sun, break them up and dry again, and then boil them, but these are so much prettier. Like little pine nuts I think.


  1. I've never heard of flour being used . . . Usually the yogurt is just drained (another use for your dehydrator perhaps?), seasoned and rolled or molded for all manner of dried yogurt goodness.

    At least that is how it is done in Western and Central Asia and in Western China. Not sure about the Greek dish, but I'm betting that the flour is what offered the chewiness.

    Cool - I will check out the flour and see if I like it. Usually one just sucks on the snacks until they dissolve - they are a favorite of mine.

  2. Nevermind my previous comment - I didn't realize that trahanas are the same thing as kishk . . .

  3. There are many variations on how it is produced. I have a friend from Turkey who brings her winter supply back with her. Here is a recipe for one style.

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