Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Whatever is in the Fridge Challenge

Sometimes you have no choice but cook whatever the hell is in the house. Freezer, extraneous bits from the back of the cabinet, odds and ends refrigerated. This was polenta and fresh corn blended into a blini with egg and milk. Then shrimp in coconut oil, only because there was nothing else. Then leftover tomato I put up a few weeks ago made into a quick sauce. Some cilantro. It all went surprisingly well together. Maybe this is the way to cook, being constrained by whatever is around.


  1. I love this! I basically cook a soup every day for my husband's lunch, with the idea that it should be delicious and that we should waste nothing in our kitchen, as a matter of principle. One of the gifts of modern life is a sense of international cuisine, in which so many of us are educated in food ways and ideas from around the globe. So we are able to use our odds and ends really creatively-- and thriftily, which matters too.

  2. I am such a believer in fridge flushing. Sometimes amazing things happen. I HATE wasting food and love being creative with bits and bobs of leftovers.

  3. I am so with you guys. It's partly a matter of not wanting to waste food, but it's also now that I don't have a car, I can't just pick stuff up on the fly. And no one went shopping this week!!

  4. Good post! Still can read in such a good article.
