Saturday, December 1, 2012

Chickpea Waffles

I have a beautiful waffle iron, beaten up and battered though it is. I often put perverse things in it. Try a grilled cheese, or a tuna melt sometime. Or croque monsieur. I don't know why it has never occured to me to put other kinds of grain in there, but I happened to have a cabinet of odd flours leftover from a crepe demo. I don't remember this vast range being available even a  few years ago, but the gluten-free craze has caught on. I used amaranth, millet, teff, chesnut. Some came out light and airy, others heavier and nutty. The nicest of all, I think, is chickpea flour. A really delightful crispy edge, akin to farinata. Simple to do, just a cup or so of flour, a little egg (one divided made 5 or 6 waffles) some sugar, baking powder, milk mixed into a thick batter. Butter the surface and pour in the batter. Good with maple syrup but doesn't really need it.


  1. My wife's grandfather repaired old waffle irons as a hobby, so we have a delightful old cast iron monster. I shall have to try these in it.

  2. Man, that's exactly what I need. I don't think they make them anymore. I'd love to be able to put it in the fire. I have a flying saucer sandwich maker, for nostalgic reasons. My mom used to make grilled cheese in one. But a real waffle iron would be perfect.

  3. How funny, I was writing about farinata - which I'd never cooked before - at pretty much the same time you posted this.
    The waffles look good too.

  4. that is supercool, ken! i can't get my *#@! fisher-price oven hot enough to make a decent farinata...but a waffle iron...genius.

    speaking of farinata, the grocer down the hill from my house is argentine/italian - he says that in argentina they would slap a slice of pizza and a wedge of farinata together for a snack. eeeyummmm....

  5. Megpie, Are you still playing with your Easy Bake? You know oddly enough, I have found for serious searing heat a toaster oven works much better than a full sized oven. Just has to be in a little tray.

  6. I made these and put a soft-cooked egg on top for a savory waffle.
