Thursday, October 15, 2009

Braised Lamb Shanks

The torrential rains have hit early this year. It makes me want to work, which is good since the copyedited Lost Art of Real Cooking has arrived for corrections. As you may have noticed I have begun to remove posts here, those which will appear in the book. Alas. Without forethought I somehow find myself exactly where I was a year ago when starting the book with Rosanna, putting up pickles and olives, making a new sourdough starter, craving long braised flesh.
Thus I was led to this simple dish: lamb shanks lightly browned, placed in a casserole with fresh rosemary and bay leaves, tomatoes and a whole bottle of Inkblot Cabernet Franc. What inspired such profligacy I wont venture to guess. Gently baked about 5 hours, without the slightest stir or nudge lest it fly asunder and be smashed to atoms. It took the gentlest cradling merely to move it from casserole to plate. Thereafter it need only be spooned into the mouth. UNCTION.


  1. Can't wait to read the book! Great title!

  2. I wish I had chosen the title. My idea was Back to Scratch. I guess this will do. The very long silly 18th century-ish subtitle is still there. An introduction to difficult, dangerous and inconvenient recipes. Something like that.

  3. Luscious, this long-simmered lamb shank. Is it in your upcoming book? I agree, Back to Scratch says it with more verve - but will order it whatever they call it; let us know when it hits the shelves. Today the National Geographic Food Trips of a Lifetime is out! I contributed a couple of dozen destinations - one on a whirl through Cassoulet country. Now there's an "inconvenient" dish, especially if you chase the goose for the confit.

  4. Looking forward to the book!
    Psssttt... here's my lamb shank secret, only don't tell anyone: a fillet or two of anchovy added to the braise sauce. Disappears and gives the sauce an intriguing note.

  5. Judith, Brilliant. I would never have thought of that. In tomato sauce yes, but why not in any stew? Instead of Worcestershire.
