Friday, August 8, 2008

Absinthe Lollies

Ok, it was with skepticism that I purchased these two little boxes of lollies containing four each for a cool 20 bucks with shipping and handling. That's 2.50 each. From Lollyphile. And I thought, of course a smattering of flavor and green food coloring, mostly sugar. But no. The absinthe lollypop is in my mouth at this very moment and it's really bitter, funky. The real thing. I can't imagine you could get alcohol in a lollypop, but maybe thujone? I am feeling a little weird to tell you the truth.
I especially love the cross over of forms. An old "tomato marshmallow" recipe was posted on the ASFS listserve the other day - coming originally from The Old Foodie, which I have to try, along with Martinimallows and Vindaloomallows. But why not absinthe? There's my weekend project!


  1. What about the maple bacon pops? I would love to see how those were.

  2. Leave it to you to find such an eclectic collection of lollipops. The absinthe flavored will make an excellent present for my step-son thanks for the tip.

  3. You MUST give those to small children! Hee hee hee!

  4. Yummy lolly lops.How about suits for men for your casual look?
