Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Good Shit

I am a man who rarely succumbs to expletives in common parlance, almost never in moments of anger, and certainly not casually for trite effect. But today, and it usually does approach stealthily, I found the urge to curse irresistable. It began around 7 am when I found myself cursing before a class at UT Austin into which I was skyped. Then my Western Civ class. OK, you can't talk about 19th c. Imperialism without cursing a bit. Before I knew it, I was cursing at colleagues. In e-mails. "OH for FUCK"S Sake!" I said to someone.

So it is only fitting that this be named something indecorous. Though it includes some of my favorite things. Broccoli rabe, capers, onions, chili flakes and, believe it or not, corned lamb shank - which is marvellous beyond description. But the whole can only be described as "good shit." I'm sure Alton Brown wishes he could use that phrase on TV from time to time.


  1. corned lamb shank, what the??!?!?!? word choice works for me... sometimes the right word is a 'bad' word.

  2. OK, So I still haven't stopped hurling expletives. The lamb shank was just in a moment of boredom, did them exactly like corned beef and then braised them. Unbelievable. Even more incredible: last night I molded this into balls, coated them in bread crumbs and fried in butter. Ugh.

  3. f**k the shit, 'indecorous' that's the one I've learnt today!

  4. Ah, Ken. It gladdens my heart to know that you are as linguistically fallible as those of us borne to a sailor and a Marine.
