Thursday, December 8, 2011


Here's a really fun interview with Linda Pellacio.


  1. Great interview, Mr Ken... you give em both barrels to the processed food business.

    The biggest problem with changing from corn to veg is it takes 5 times more labor. No giant, air-conditioned machines to do all the work... they would really have to open the immigration flood gates for that change!!!

  2. What there aren't people looking for work in this country?

  3. At the risk of sounding grumpy and curmudgeonly, no. Far too many are looking only for a paycheck, or just perhaps, a job. The w-word is often looked upon with horror.

    Now, back to the important stuff--plotting the shoving of chopped meats and things into a hapless intestine...

  4. Well Glenn, You may be right. I guess picking fruit is seriously hard work and a dead end if you're thinking of upward mobility or sending your kids to college. It becomes work, like much else, that is outsourced, while we still have high employment.

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