Saturday, August 22, 2009


What a delightful thing to come home to after three weeks. Have you ever seen such a beautiful pancetta? I just happened to take a peek in the cave to see what was happening. A simply butterflied, rolled and bound pork belly, cured with bay and juniper, smoked for an hour or so, and left undisturbed while I was gone. I fried it up. And it disappeard immediately. Bless the Gods of Nitrate.


  1. Hmm, I never thought about butterflying the pork belly for pancetta. I bet that would make it roll more easily and tighter.
    This looks wonderful!

  2. That is one gorgeous pork log. I want to eat it fried crisp with a fat slice of tomato.

  3. can i come live with you? actually, can i come live in the cave?

  4. Yes, there's room in the cave. Especially if you never get full.

  5. I happened to be thinking of your gorgeous pancetta and wondered if you know the Umbrian style of making fried pancetta.
    Once its crispy, toss in some sage leaves, they'll crisp up immediately, then hit the pan with a large jolt of red wine vinegar. Needless to say, stand back because there is a burst of hissing and spitting from the pan. Serve immediately with the sage leaves, pan juices and some bread.
